Portuguese English
Caagaçu - A Grande Mata Doc . Vídeo . Color . 26' . 2011

Carmo Park. Over a million square meters of green. But is that all? Certainly not. From this question began the search for information about this great unknown place, not only for its recreational purposes but also as a part of Sao Paulo's East Side's history and the capitol's itself.

Director Rudi Böhm

Born in Austria and graduated in Graphical Industry, Rudi Böhm was invited by Hans Donner to design vignettes and titles for soap operas and shows to TV Globo in 1973. In 1974, already living in Brazil, he was responsible for capturing images, animating and visual programming for films and creating and producing TV commercials. In 1981 he established his own company, Ilimitada Ltda, the first  to work with post-production for cinema and television in the country, specialized in special effects. He directed, edited and added special effects to the featurette Motorista de Caçamba, a documentary about the gold diggers of Serra Pelada. He is currently the director of the Core of Arts and Cenography of TV Cultura.



Rudi Böhn


Stela Grisoti

Executive Producers

Zita Carvalhosa and Fernanda Senatori



Dado Carlin


Art Director

Rudi Böhn


Wandilson Moreira

Sound Editor

Tiago Lorena


Contemplado Edital Nº 002/2010/DEC

“Co-patrocínio à Produção de Documentários

Projetos Histórias dos Bairros de São Paulo"

                         -- 4ª edição --

Endereço Av. Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, 192 / 101 -  República - CEP 01210-010 - São Paulo - Brazil Telefone +55 11 3031.5522  E-mail super@superfilmes.com.br