Portuguese English
Rough Stone Fic . 35mm . Color . 8' . 2009

There are places where art has to become a way of fighting war.

Director Julia Zakia

Julia Zakia has a Cinema Studies degree by the School of Arts and Communication - University of Sao Paulo (ECA - USP). Since then, she has directed five short-films, selected by the most important festivals around the world. She had the oportunity to accompany the portuguese cinematographer Eduardo Serra, assisting him during the shootings of  Blood Diamond, directed by Ed Zwick in Mozambique.


In 2007 she recieved the "Estímulo Prize" for short-films, granted by the São Paulo State Government  in order to develop the documentary short TARABATARA, about a gipsy family living in the state of Alagoas.


From the experience of living with this gipsy family she wrote the script of RIO CIGANO, her first feature film. 



RIO CIGANO (DCP-fiction-90'-2015)

PEDRA BRUTA (35mm –fiction-8’-2009)

TARABATARA (35mm-documentary-23’-2007)

A ESTÓRIA DA FIGUEIRA (35mm-fiction-17’-2006)

O CHAPÉU DO MEU AVÔ (video-documentary-29’-2004)


Georgette Fadel


Amela Vucina



Julia Zakia and Georgette Fadel


Screenplay by

Julia Zakia and Georgette Fadel


Executive Producer

Patrick Leblanc


Director of Photography

Julia Zakia


Sound editing

Guile Martins


Original Score

Amela Vucina



Julia Zakia




  • 20th São Paulo International Short Film Festival - Curta Kinoforum
  • Goiânia Mostra Curtas 
  • Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro - Curta Cinema 2009
  • Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano Havana
  • Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes 2010
  • Mostra do Filme Livre 2010
  • FEMINA - Festival Internacional de Cinema Feminino
  • Festival Cinesul
  • Semana Paulista de Curta Metragem
  • Mostra Ex-Alunos do Festival Brasileiro de Cinema Universitário
  • CINEMA MUNDO – IV Festival Internacional de Cinema de Itu
  • IV Festival de Cinema de Itu - Best Original Music and Best Sound Design

Endereço Av. Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, 192 / 101 -  República - CEP 01210-010 - São Paulo - Brazil Telefone +55 11 3031.5522  E-mail super@superfilmes.com.br