Portuguese English
The Land and the Sorrow Doc . Beta digital . Color . 90’ . 1997
About the film

Production: A Les Films d’Ici and La Sept Arte Production
Co-Production: Superfilmes


In the Brazilian Amazon - south region of Pará - there is an area of competition for new territories and access to the land. The film witnesses the settlement conditions of a group of pioneers in the heart of an untouched portion of the forest, a difficult path marked by the violence of the colonization process.

The neighboring regions, already explored and occupied, are mostly taken by large landowners. There, the Landless Workers’ Rural Movement (MST) gathered hundreds of families to carry out the occupation of Fazenda Macaxeira, a 40.000-hectare domain.

On April 17th, 1996, nineteen people were killed in a confrontation with the police, who were demanded by the government to recover the land.

Director Frédéric Létang

Selected Filmography


Director of the documentary film Campus Flutuante, de Belém a Óbidos (60’) about an expedition on the Amazon River organized by the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) that gave the participants - students and researchers - a concrete and interdisciplinary knowledge of Brazilian Amazonia. (Production XYZèbre 2013)

Director of the documentary film Círio de Belém, about the most important Catholic event in the world, occuring every October in the city of Belém in Brasilian Amazonia. (Production XYZèbre 2012)

Director of the documentary film Ecce Corpo (60’), about the recent work of the sculptor Laurent Sebès. (Production Europimages 2008)

Director of the documentary film directed in Brasil, La terre et la peine, (90’) (Production Les Films d’Ici, IRD, Superfilmes). The film shows the first stages of the settlement of a group of poor colonists in the heart of virgin forest, and the competition for land in Brazilian Amazonia. They reveal the details of a tough world shot with hope and violence.

Director of a film about the International Charter ‘Space and Major Disasters’ (2010). A convention held between fifteen national space agencies to provide satellite images in case of a natural desaster. 


Writer and Director

Frédéric Létang


Philippe Costantini


João Godoy


Geneviève Letellier and Anne Weil

Executive Producer (Brazil)

Patrick Leblanc



Europe Images International

Endereço Av. Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, 192 / 101 -  República - CEP 01210-010 - São Paulo - Brazil Telefone +55 11 3031.5522  E-mail super@superfilmes.com.br