Portuguese English
The King Goat Doc . Vídeo . Color . 50' . 2008
About the film



Fundação Padre Anchieta - TV Cultura




THE KING GOAT, documentary by Helena Tassara, was one of JANELA BRASIL 2007 contest winners and seeks to present to the public a reality of the "Invisible Brazil" competition theme.

Recorded in 2007 in several regions of the Northeast, the documentary focuses on the lives of two goats. It also gives voice to creators, popular artists, merchants and other figures whose life is deeply connected to these animals, as Ariano Suassuna and Manelito Dantas Vilar. It also has the special participation of Zeca Baleiro, among other artists, reading and interpretation of texts. The original music is by Fabio Tagliaferri and Paul Tatit.

The proposal of the director, Helena Tassara, was to embark on a fun and rich documentary, ponctuated by real or imaginary stories to illustrate the essence of the personality of its protagonists and their relationship with men and women Northeastern. The film is also full of musical references, literary, poetic and iconography of the subject.

The production didn´t interfere in the traditional animal slaughter methods and recorded like they are performed.


In the semi-arid northeast, in the region of Caatinga, in the “sertão”, it is usual to say that it is not the man who raises the goat, but the goat who raises the man. Is also said that from the goat, one can use even its scream. 

And so it is. That's why, in this documentary, the main characteres are these: the male and female goats. 

Many times treated by the northest-man like almost human beings, partners in misfortunes and journeys, they carry a lot of hostory. Everyone knows that. However, what most people don't know is that without goats the semi-arid Brazilian northeast would have already become a lifeless desert.

Director Helena Tassara

Helena Tassara is a master in communication (film, television and editorial creating). Gratuated in Social Studies at University of Sao Paulo, PhD in Communication (Film School at USP). Has directed several documentaries such as Deus fez a mãe, e a mãe me criou! (2003), Um Rei no Xingu (2002), Ayrton Senna – ídolo das crianças, herói do Brasil (2001), a série documental Frutas do Brasil (1997) para a TVE, Era uma vez, o Brasil... (1995).


Special Participation:

  • Georgina Castro
  • Ortinho Coelho
  • Ricardo Bittencourt
  • Zeca Baleiro

Research, Writter and Director

Helena Tassara






Angela Dip



  • Prize of the Jury in the Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo 2008 - Best Brazilian Featurette
  • Mostra Internacional do Filme Etnográfico RJ 2008.
  • 6º Fest Cine Amazônia – Festival de Cinema e Vídeo Ambiental 
  • 1º Amazon Doc - Festival Pan amazônicos de documentários
  • FEMININA - Festival Internacional de Cinema Feminino
  • XI FICA - Festival Internacional de Cinema e Vídeo Ambiental - Honours Mention
  • Festival Ibero-Americano de Cinema e Vídeo – Cinesul 
  • 32º Festival Guârnice de Cinema – Prêmio Nego Chico Melhor Vídeo
  • 3º Festival de Cinema na Floresta 
  • Jornada Internacional de Cinema da Bahia  - Award BNB for the best video with a northeastern theme
  • 4º Festival Internacional de Cinema Socioambiental de Nova Friburgo


Endereço Av. Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, 192 / 101 -  República - CEP 01210-010 - São Paulo - Brazil Telefone +55 11 3031.5522  E-mail super@superfilmes.com.br